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302 Serum – 1 oz.

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302 Serum improves and refines skin textrure as it helps to make fine lines and wrinkles disappear. Skin appears, healthy, more youthful and glowing. A truly unique formula featuring patented ingredients naturally derived from a rainforest variety of avocado.

Rebuilds visibly aged skin with Avogen
Instant application
Rapid absorption without residual feel
Visible results in smoothing aged skin
Smoothes and prevents scars from acne and trauma
Renormalizes desirable signaling between and inside cells
Preservative free formula  • pH 6.5-7.5

The 302/Avogen™ compound contained in 302 Serum provides a significant increase in metabolic energy to the skin through glucose activation – this provides the energy for new protein synthesis. 302/Avogen™ also softens the skin. This is very important in reversing visible aging, smoothing wrinkles and improving tone and texture. The skin may feel warm and even pink up on the first few applications. 302 Serum / 302 Serum Rx delivers the same visible metabolic result as 302 Drops / 302 Drops Rx.  The choice of which formula is best is strictly a personal preference. 302 Drops and 302 Serum contain no added fragrance –though each does have a distinctive scent.


302 Serum / 302 Serum Rx should never be applied on the same day as other home care products that contain fruit acids (alpha hydroxy acids). People who have had peels from acids have highly sensitized skin, even if it doesn’t look that way, will have to wait until after discontinuing acids, and then wait another week or so before  beginning with Avogen based products. Use Remedy Rx and Sensitive Cleanser or  Sensitive Cleanser Rx during that transition week (or two) to renormalize skin behavior and prepare the skin for 302/Avogen™.


 Not all skin that is inflamed or irritated must avoid 302/Avogen™. In fact, skin that is irritated from burns or the environment or anything but exfoliating acids will benefit greatly when the 302/Avogen™ compound is applied.

302 Serum / 302 Serum Rx CAN  be applied to skin that has been burned or irritated, abraded or scraped.

302 Serum / 302 Serum Rx CANNOT be applied to skin that has been recently exfoliated using acids or other chemicals.


  • Optimizes skin quality by elevated activity in energy, softening and synthesis.
  • Normalizes and enhances skin barrier depleted by chronologic and actinic aging.
  • Restores barrier quality and look to skin that exhibits age/environment
  • deterioration especiallyfrom poorly regulated glucose metabolism and errors in cross-linking activity.

Esthetic Results:
Smooth, resilient, plump skin. Outstanding for scar remodeling, cystic acne, wrinkles, weak, thin skin.  Eespecially effective when combined with procedures such as ultrasound, and microcurrent. Synergistic with Vitamin A (A-Drops, Clarity) and Vitamin C (C-Drops, Lightening Drops).


Topical use only. Apply to test area and wait 24 hours. If irritation develops, discontinue. Some temporary pinking may occur with the first few applications. For some users, Topicals with glycolic, and salicylic acids may cause irritation if used in conjunction with 302 Serum.

Ingredients 302 Serum: Organic green tea, kosher glycerine, avocatin 302 (Avogen™), organic jojoba oil, prepolymer 2,  cocoa-butter, mixed silicones, polyglucose derived surfactant, cellulose polymer, C12-15 ammonium alkyl acrylates, vanilla, lavender, camphor and mint extracts.

Ingredients 302 Serum Rx: Organic green tea, kosher glycerine, avocatin 302 (Avogen™), organic jojoba oil, prepolymer 2,  cocoa-butter, mixed silicones, polyglucose derived surfactant, cellulose polymer, C12-15 ammonium alkyl acrylates.


Aging-  Highly recommended as primary topical.

Breakouts –  Helps minimize appearance of stress related breakouts.

Dryness -H ighly recommended as primary topical.

Eczema – Highly recommended as primary topical. Apply Remedy Rx afterward for best results.


Individual results will vary, but the statistical averages over 30 days, based on human subjects, confirmed by independent researchers are:


34% reduction in fine lines and wrinkles

78% increase in thickness

244% increase in dermal fibroblast population: surface

226% increase in dermal fibroblast population: cross-section


30% increase in collagen

33% increase in dermal thickness

69% increase in DNA

67% increase in skin protein

397% increase in glucose utilization

Eye Area: Excellent alone or in combination (layered) with 302 Eye Firming Serum or Gel. Can also be alternated with other 302 actives such as C Drops and or A Drops when used for eye area.

Pigmentation: Effective prevention of pigmentation problems by way of strengthening skin at the cellular level..

Rosacea / Cuperose: begin with 302 Sensitive Drops Rx and work up to use of 302 Serum Rx

Scalp disorders:  apply three times weekly to dampened scalp to reduce appearance of flakes and reduce irritation.

Scars / Stretch Marks:  excellent results when used as part of a program of procedures employing ultrasound, laser and/or needling. Excellent for prevention/ naturally ingredients are safe for use during pregnancy.

Solar/Actinic Keratosis: effectively reduces or eliminates the appearance of solar keratosis. Apply Remedy Rxafterward for best results.

Teleangiectasis: effectively reduces the appearance of small blood vessels by promoting epidermal growth.

Use with Professional Treaments/ home-care devices:

Ultrasound -302 Serum, and 302 Serum Rx  is highly effective when used in combination with ultrasound. Rapidly builds out tissue and restores smooth surface. Reduces sun sensitization. Best results when combined with Lightening Drops. Advise not to use on same days as 302 Serum during home care.  Use Enzyme Mist for home care exfoliation. Provide Remedy Rx after procedure and for home care.

Fraxel Laser & Laser (pre and post) – Excellent results in visibly multiplying effects, reduces sun sensitization. Best results when alternated with C-Drops or the more powerful (2x) Lightening Drops.

IPL (Flash or Intense Pulsed Light – not LED) – pre and post – Excellent results in visibly multiplying effects, reduces sun sensitization. Best results when combined with C-Drops followed with Remedy Rx after procedure and for home care.

LED / Evis (Clareblend) or any red, infrared or red spectrum LED. Helpful with skin that has tendency to flush and LED is compatible and enhanced by all 302 products.

Microcurrent: while 302 Serum is non-ionic and will have little metabolic activity in combination with a micro-current procedure, 302 Serum does provide a noticeable improvement to skin laxity and increased turgor which is is evident for at least one week after treatment.

Plastic Surgery: effective healing when combined with (pre & post).

1 review for 302 Serum – 1 oz.

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Your customer Nancy from FL

    Flawless skin results with one bottle. I feel like my skin has the refined texture of my youth. Thank you for this product! I’ve actually gotten a number of those “your skin looks great! What have you been doing?” comments. 🙂

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